Friday, March 11, 2022

Chapter 14: Choosing a title

 What's up! Welcome back, in this post I'm going to walk you through how I chose my title.

While creating my idea, I had absolutely no idea what I was going to title the film. I was honestly going to wait until I had an idea hit me, rather than actually thinking about something. But then I realized I had to start with my social media page for the movie, so I had to figure out a title. Before this realization though, I had actually tried thinking of a title, and since I was inspired by music, I tried looking into the lyrics to see if something would spark. However, nothing did, and that's why I was going to just let the title come to me. 

Anyway, getting back on track, when I had the realization, I spent almost the entirety of my class period trying to come up with a title. I once again went back to look at the song lyrics for inspiration. I was aiming to incorporate the word "dilemma" in the title because it correlates with the album 2 of the songs were in as well as the content of my trailers. However, I ended up not using it. I also thought about titling the film "the unholy trinity" because one of my previous chapters that gave background on the characters was titled that, but I didn't like the idea of it being the title of my whole project.

Another thing I tried to do was incorporate Greek mythology references because the names of my characters do so. I was thinking of using the theme of 3, so like the 3 fates or the big 3 gods, or being more specific, in the Percy Jackson series, when a prophecy is given for a quest, only 3 can go and any others would most likely die. I thought of using this 3 fates thing seeing as I have 3 characters. I thought of titles like "Prophecy of the 3" or "Fate of 3", but I honestly hated them. They were just not fitting the vibe. I literally couldn't think of anything, no thoughts, head empty.

When I finally did think of my title, I wasn't going to choose it at first, but then I just decided eh, why not? It made sense and fit with my idea to a T. So the title I chose was, "Escapism". It didn't come to me on a whim, I honestly just thought "oh they want to escape reality, what word/words can describe that? escapism sounds cool". I also double checked that I had the right word, in case I get the definition wrong. The definition of escapism is, according to google, the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy. When I read the definition, I was like yeah that's definitely what my characters and story represents.

So that's how I ended up with the title Escapism. I think it's cool, simple, and straight to the point. That's all for this post, catch you in the next one.

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