Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Creative Critical Reflection

 Here's my CCR thank you for joining me on this journey, hopefully we meet again soon :).



 Here's my film opening I hope you enjoy :)



 Reflecting back on my project, I definitely could've done more blog posts. However, I am proud of the project I created. I was able to get my idea into a 2 minute opening, and although I had some trouble like choosing a font or the editing process, I was still able to get it done and create somethin I'm proud of. I hope you enjoy my project because it was a long process. The next two post will be my opening and my creative critical reflection stay tuned ;).

Thursday, April 1, 2021

A Tragic Tale About Fonts

 Let me tell you a tragic story. One day I was editing, trying to choose a font for my opening credits. I was stressing out because the fonts I was seeing in Adobe Premiere Pro were just not cutting it. Where I was shown the fonts, there was a small green button in the right corner that said "TK", I still have no idea what that means but I still clicked it. It took me to Adobe Fonts and I was ecstatic. I was scavenging through all the different fonts but sadly nothing was catching my eye. That was until I found the font Dolce. I clicked on it and it gave me options such as Medium Dolce and Bold Dolce. I had clicked to save the font, but when I went back to Adobe Premiere it wasn't with the other fonts(ㅠㅡㅠ). I spent FORTY MINUTES trying to figure out how to get this font. Then I thought...hmmm there is no way Adobe Premiere PRO doesn't have more fonts. This lead me to looking back at the available font lists again. Now here's the thing, I don't have a mouse, so I'm using the pad on the laptop. Here's where it gets crazy, I accidently scrolled with two fingers...yep...I scrolled and what did I see. I saw so many fonts go by (ㅠoㅠ). I have never been more happy but also upset at the same time. I really spent forty minutes stressing only for my problem to be fixed by scrolling  (ㅠㅡㅠ). Anyway, aside from my dramatics, I scrolled through the fonts and instead of picking the font Dolce I chose Ink Free because Dolce started to seem too extra. Now luckily I have finished editing all the opening credit scenes, so I don't have to worry about fonts for a little bit. Thankfully XD. And She Lived Happily Ever After. The End.

Here are some screenshots of the process:

<Ink Free Font

Choosing a New Song

 *long dragged of sigh*Everybody...I have some sad news. Unfortunately I did not get a response from Current Joys, so I had to find a new song to use in my project.

I looked through websites like purple-planet and chosic however, nothing really caught my attention or seemed like a good fit. I couldn't find any Indie type of songs, I was finding more futuristic or dramatic music on both sites. If you're looking for that type of music then use those sites; I wasn't so I went to good ol' YouTube to help me out. I listened to many playlists and videos and I found good songs but, not any songs that fit my vision. Finally I came across a video titled [FREE] INDIE ROCK x BEDROOM POP TYPE BEAT "NOTHING". Yes it's in all capitals and that really is the title, but when I listened to it it felt perfect for what I was going for. I will leave a link to the song.

Here is a link to the song I have chosen: https://youtu.be/CFFj2ZRZltM
