Sunday, March 13, 2022

Chapter 16: What’s Happening

 What’s up! Welcome back, this post is going to be a recap of what’s been going on.

I’ve already addressed in my last post about the actor situation, so I’m going to move on to talk about my filming situation. I found out that I’m going to be out of the country for a but of my spring break, so I have to schedule around that time frame and give myself enough time to film and also edit. I also have to schedule some posting for this blog and social media page. 

It’s pretty frustrating losing some production time since I’m going out of the country but I already have a lot scheduled, so I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’m taking these next couple of days to prepare for the days I’m MIA, I’ve been writing some mire posts for here and creating drafts on Instagram for the movie account.

This next couple of days I’m also going to record some sound and some scenes that don’t require people in them, like the door shutting, blood in sink, and such.

Anyway, that’s all for this post, that’s for reading and I’ll catch you later.

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